European CodeBase


Xbox360 - Spiele :: Assault Heroes 2 :: Archievements (ENG)
| Hits: 1171 | Aufgenommen am 18.07.09 | Aktualisiert am 18.07.09 | Verfasser: GodShin |
Assault Flags (10)
Single Player: Collect all of the Flags scattered throughout the game.

Escapist (25)
Zone Battle: Defeat all spaceships in Areas 29 & 30: Medium or Hard difficulty in one session.

Fearless (20)
Single Player: Complete 3 sequential areas on foot: Medium or Hard difficulty in one session.

Heroes Campaign (30)
Co-Op Campaign: Complete all areas on Hard difficulty with the help of a friend.

Hot-wired (5)
Single Player: Capture all 3 hijackable vehicles at least once.

Ice Cold (10)
Single Player: Freeze 50% of infantry in any Zone: Medium or Hard difficulty in one session.

Moby Dick (5)
Single Player: Destroy the Mecha Orca.

Pyromaniac (10)
Single Player: Burn 50% of infantry in any Zone: Medium or Hard difficulty in one session.

Smoothie Heroes (20)
Co-op Campaign: Kill 100 infantry, one player freezes & the other shatters, on Hard in one session.

Underground Hunters (20)
Co-Op Campaign: Finish all underground areas with the help of a friend: Medium or Hard difficulty.

Wonder twins (20)
Zone Battle: Use all 4 Co-Op attacks, kill 10 units with each: Medium or Hard in one session.

Zoned Out (25)
Zone Battle: Complete 6 Zones, each with the help of a different LIVE enabled friend.

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