European CodeBase


PC - Spiele :: Left 4 Dead :: Cheats - Konsolen Befehle Part 1
| Hits: 3116 | Aufgenommen am 07.05.09 | Aktualisiert am 07.05.09 | Verfasser: GodShin |
Dieses Spiel hat mehr als 2800 Konsolenbefehle, mit denen sich nahezu das gesamte Spiel kontrollieren lässt.

Erweitere deine left4dead.exe um den parameter -console.
Wenn ihr nun das Spiel startet, ist die Konsole bereits im Hauptmenü aufgerufen.
gib hier nun "bind toggleconsole" ein, um die Konsole nun in jedem Spielmodus verfügbar zumachen.
Um jeden Cheat nutzen zukönnen, gebt ihr "sv_cheats 1" in die Konsole ein, welche ihr mit der ^ - Taste aufrufen könnt.

Vor dem -> der Konsolenbefehl, dahinter der Standardwert und dahinter die Beschreibung

_bugreporter_restart -> Restarts bug reporter

_record -> Record a incrementally.

_resetgamestats -> Erases current game stats and writes out a blank stats file

_restart -> Shutdown and restart the engine.

achievement_debug -> 0 -> Turn on achievement debug msgs.

achievement_disable -> 0 -> Turn off achievements.

achievement_status -> Shows status of all achievement

addip -> Add an IP address to the ban list.

adsp_debug -> 0 ->

ai_debug_los -> 0 -> NPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. If 1 solid entities that block NPC LOC will be highlighted with white bounding boxes. If 2 it'l

ai_debug_shoot_positions -> 0 ->

ai_talk_idle_enabled -> 1 -> Set to 0 to disable TLK_IDLEs on survivors

air_density -> Changes the density of air for drag computations.

alias -> Alias a command.

'-alt1' ->

'+alt1' ->

'-alt2' ->

'+alt2' ->

askconnect_accept -> Accept a redirect request by the server.

async_resume ->

async_suspend ->

'+attack' ->

'-attack' ->

'-attack2' ->

'+attack2' ->

audit_save_in_memory -> Audit the memory usage and files in the save-to-memory system

_autosave -> Autosave

_autosavedangerous -> AutoSaveDangerous

autosavedangerous -> AutoSaveDangerous

autosavedangerousissafe ->

award_achievement -> Award an achievement by ID

'-back' ->

'+back' ->

banid -> Add a user ID to the ban list.

banip -> Add an IP address to the ban list.

bench_end -> Ends gathering of info.

bench_showstatsdialog -> Shows a dialog displaying the most recent benchmark results.

bench_start -> Starts gathering of info. Arguments: filename to write results into

bench_upload -> Uploads most recent benchmark stats to the Valve servers.

benchframe -> Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time .

bind -> Bind a key.

BindToggle -> Performs a bind 'increment var 0 1 1'

blackbox_dump -> Dump the contents of the blackbox

blackbox_record -> Record an entry into the blackbox

boomer_exposed_time_tolerance -> 1 -> How long an out-of-range Boomer will tolerate being visible before fleeing

boomer_pz_claw_dmg -> 4 -> Amount of damage done by a PZ boomer's regular melee attack

boomer_vomit_delay -> 1 -> How long the Boomer waits before he vomits on his target on Normal difficulty

bot_crouch -> 0 ->

bot_freeze -> 0 -> Dumme Bots

bot_mimic -> 0 ->

bot_mimic_spec_buttons -> 1 -> +attack +jump etc are used for spectator control instead of being passed on to spectated bot

bot_mimic_yaw_offset -> 180 ->

box -> Draw a debug box.

'-break' ->

'+break' ->

buddha -> 0 -> Survivors take damage but won't die

budget_averages_window -> 30 -> number of frames to look at when figuring out average frametimes

budget_background_alpha -> 128 -> how translucent the budget panel is

budget_bargraph_background_alpha -> 128 -> how translucent the budget panel is

budget_bargraph_range_ms -> 16 -> budget bargraph range in milliseconds

budget_history_numsamplesvisible -> 100 -> number of samples to draw in the budget history window. The lower the better as far as rendering overhead of the budget panel

budget_history_range_ms -> 66 -> budget history range in milliseconds

budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction -> 0 -> number between 0 and 1

budget_panel_height -> 384 -> height in pixels of the budget panel

budget_panel_width -> 512 -> width in pixels of the budget panel

budget_panel_x -> 0 -> number of pixels from the left side of the game screen to draw the budget panel

budget_panel_y -> 50 -> number of pixels from the top side of the game screen to draw the budget panel

budget_peaks_window -> 30 -> number of frames to look at when figuring out peak frametimes

budget_show_averages -> 0 -> enable/disable averages in the budget panel

budget_show_history -> 1 -> turn history graph off and on. . good to turn off on low end

budget_show_peaks -> 1 -> enable/disable peaks in the budget panel

budget_toggle_group -> Turn a budget group on/off

bug -> Show the bug reporting UI.

bug_swap -> Automatically swaps the current weapon for the bug bait and back again.

bugreporter_uploadasync -> 0 -> Upload attachments asynchronously

bugreporter_username -> 0 -> Username to use for bugreporter

buildcubemaps -> Rebuild cubemaps.

c_maxdistance -> 200 ->

c_maxpitch -> 90 ->

c_maxyaw -> 135 ->

c_mindistance -> 30 ->

c_minpitch -> 0 ->

c_minyaw -> -135 ->

c_orthoheight -> 100 ->

c_orthowidth -> 100 ->

c_thirdpersonshoulder -> 0 ->

c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist -> 120 ->

c_thirdpersonshoulderdist -> 40 ->

c_thirdpersonshoulderheight -> 5 ->

c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset -> 20 ->

cache_print -> cache_print [section]

Print out contents of cache memory.

cache_print_lru -> cache_print_lru [section]

Print out contents of cache memory.

cache_print_summary -> cache_print_summary [section]

Print out a summary contents of cache memory.

callvote -> Start a vote on an issue.

cam_collision -> 1 -> When in thirdperson and cam_collision is set to 1 an attempt is made to keep the camera from passing though walls.

cam_command -> Tells camera to change modes

cam_idealdelta -> 4 -> Controls the speed when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view

cam_idealdist -> 150 ->

cam_ideallag -> 4 -> Amount of lag used when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view

cam_idealpitch -> 0 ->

cam_idealyaw -> 0 ->

cam_showangles -> 0 -> When in thirdperson print viewangles/idealangles/cameraoffsets to the console.

cam_snapto -> 0 ->

'-camdistance' ->

'+camdistance' ->

'+camin' ->

'-camin' ->

'+cammousemove' ->

'-cammousemove' ->

camortho -> Switch to orthographic camera.

'-camout' ->

'+camout' ->

'+campitchdown' ->

'-campitchdown' ->

'+campitchup' ->

'-campitchup' ->

'+camyawleft' ->

'-camyawleft' ->

'+camyawright' ->

'-camyawright' ->

cancelselect ->

cast_hull -> Tests hull collision detection

cast_ray -> Tests collision detection

cc_emit -> Emits a closed caption

cc_findsound -> Searches for soundname which emits specified text.

cc_flush -> Flushes async'd captions.

cc_lang -> 0 -> Current close caption language (emtpy = use game UI language)

cc_linger_time -> 1 -> Close caption linger time.

cc_predisplay_time -> 0 -> Close caption delay before showing caption.

cc_random -> Emits a random caption

cc_showblocks -> Toggles showing which blocks are pending/loaded async.

cc_subtitles -> 0 -> If set don't show sound effect captions just voice overs (i.e. won't help hearing impaired players).

centerview ->

ch_createairboat -> Spawn airboat in front of the player.

ch_createjeep -> Spawn jeep in front of the player.

changelevel -> Change server to the specified map

changelevel2 -> Transition to the specified map in single player

changelevel_inhibit -> 0 ->

changelevel_pause_interval -> 8 ->

chet_debug_idle -> 0 -> If set one many debug prints to help track down the TLK_IDLE issue. Set two for super verbose info

chooseteam -> Choose a new team

cl_allowdownload -> 1 -> Client downloads customization files

cl_allowupload -> 1 -> Client uploads customization files

cl_animationinfo -> Hud element to examine.

cl_autohelp -> 1 -> Auto-help

cl_bob -> 0 ->

cl_bobcycle -> 0 ->

cl_bobup -> 0 ->

cl_buy_favorite -> Purchase a favorite weapon/equipment loadout

cl_buy_favorite_nowarn -> 0 -> CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE -> Skips the error prompt when saving an invalid buy favorite

cl_buy_favorite_quiet -> 0 -> CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE -> Skips the prompt when saving a buy favorite in the buy menu

cl_buy_favorite_reset -> Reset favorite loadouts to the default

cl_buy_favorite_set -> Saves the current loadout as a favorite

cl_chatfilters -> 31 -> Stores the chat filter settings

cl_cinematiclight_b -> 0 ->

cl_cinematiclight_g -> 0 ->

cl_cinematiclight_r -> 3 ->

cl_cinematiclight_scale -> 7 ->

cl_cinematiclight_tonemap -> 0 ->

cl_clearhinthistory -> Clear memory of client side hints displayed to the player.

cl_clock_correction -> 1 -> Enable/disable clock correction on the client.

cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount -> 200 -> Sets the maximum number of milliseconds per second it is allowed to correct the client clock. It will only correct this amount

cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset -> 90 -> As the clock offset goes from cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset to this value (in milliseconds) it moves towards apply

cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset -> 10 -> If the clock offset is less than this amount (in milliseconds) then no clock correction is applied.

cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick -> 999 -> Force clock correction to match the server tick + this offset (-999 disables it).

cl_clock_showdebuginfo -> 0 -> Show debugging info about the clock drift.

cl_clockdrift_max_ms -> 150 -> Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's.

cl_clockdrift_max_ms_threadmode -> 0 -> Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's.

cl_rate -> 30 -> Max number of command packets sent to server per second

cl_colorblind -> 0 -> Set to 1 for high contrast crosshairs. Set to 2 for specific color changes intended to help common types of color blindness.

cl_crash -> Causes a client crash for testing

cl_create_server ->

cl_crosshair_alpha -> 255 -> Crosshair alpha

cl_crosshair_blue -> 220 -> Crosshair blue component

cl_crosshair_dynamic -> 1 -> Crosshair scales based on accuracy

cl_crosshair_green -> 182 -> Crosshair green component

cl_crosshair_red -> 138 -> Crosshair red component

cl_crosshair_thickness -> 1 -> Crosshair thickness in pixels

cl__polish_print_time -> Show the polish options dialog

cl_detail_avoid_force -> 0 -> force with which to avoid players ( in units percentage of the width of the detail sprite )

cl_detail_avoid_radius -> 64 -> radius around detail sprite to avoid players

cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed -> 0 -> how fast to recover position after avoiding players

cl_detail_max_sway -> 5 -> Amplitude of the detail prop sway

cl_detail_multiplier -> 1 -> extra details to create

cl_disable_ragdolls -> 0 ->

cl_downloadfilter -> 0 -> Determines which files can be downloaded from the server (all none nosounds)

cl_drawhud -> 1 -> Enable the rendering of the hud

cl_drawleaf -> -1 ->

cl_drawmaterial -> 0 -> Draw a particular material over the frame

cl_drawshadowtexture -> 0 ->

cl_dump_particle_stats -> dump particle profiling info to particle_profile.csv

cl_dumpplayer -> Dumps info about a player

cl_dumpsplithacks -> Dump split screen workarounds.

cl_ent_absbox -> Displays the client's absbox for the entity under the crosshair.

cl_ent_bbox -> Displays the client's bounding box for the entity under the crosshair.

cl_ent_rbox -> Displays the client's render box for the entity under the crosshair.

cl_entityreport -> 0 -> For debugging draw entity states to console

cl_extrapolate -> 1 -> Enable/disable extrapolation if interpolation history runs out.

cl_extrapolate_amount -> 0 -> Set how many seconds the client will extrapolate entities for.

cl_fastdetailsprites -> 1 -> whether to use new detail sprite system

cl_find_ent -> Find and list all client entities with classnames that contain the specified substring.

Format: cl_find_ent

cl_find_ent_index -> Display data for clientside entity matching specified index.

Format: cl_find_ent_index

cl_flushentitypacket -> 0 -> For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet.

cl_force_3rd_strike -> 0 ->

cl_forcepreload -> 0 -> Whether we should force preloading.

cl_fullupdate -> Forces the server to send a full update packet

cl_glow_ability_b -> 0 -> Color of ability glow

cl_glow_ability_colorblind_b -> 1 -> Color of ability glow

cl_glow_ability_colorblind_g -> 1 -> Color of ability glow

cl_glow_ability_colorblind_r -> 0 -> Color of ability glow

cl_glow_ability_g -> 0 -> Color of ability glow

cl_glow_ability_r -> 1 -> Color of ability glow

cl_glow_blur_scale -> 3 -> Controls the size of the halo shown around players and usable items

cl_glow_brightness -> 1 -> Brightness of player halos

cl_glow_force -> 255 -> Forces glows on

cl_glow_ghost_infected_b -> 1 -> Color of infected ghost glow

cl_glow_ghost_infected_g -> 0 -> Color of infected ghost glow

cl_glow_ghost_infected_r -> 0 -> Color of infected ghost glow

cl_glow_infected_b -> 1 -> Color of infected glow

cl_glow_infected_g -> 0 -> Color of infected glow

cl_glow_infected_r -> 0 -> Color of infected glow

cl_glow_infected_vomit_b -> 0 -> Color the PZs see the IT victim glow

cl_glow_infected_vomit_g -> 0 -> Color the PZs see the IT victim glow

cl_glow_infected_vomit_r -> 0 -> Color the PZs see the IT victim glow

cl_glow_item_b -> 1 ->

cl_glow_item_far_b -> 1 ->

cl_glow_item_far_g -> 0 ->

cl_glow_item_far_r -> 0 ->

cl_glow_item_g -> 0 ->

cl_glow_item_r -> 0 ->

cl_glow_los_delay -> 0 -> Time out of sight before a survivor friend shows up through a wall to a survivor.

cl_glow_los_fade_in_time -> 0 -> Time after cl_glow_los_delay before a survivor friend shows up fully through wall.

cl_glow_los_fade_out_time -> 0 -> Time after cl_glow_los_delay before a survivor friend goes away

cl_glow_noise -> 1 -> Is Survivor glow seen by infected based on noise?

cl_glow_survivor_b -> 1 -> Color of survivor team mate glow

cl_glow_survivor_g -> 0 -> Color of survivor team mate glow

cl_glow_survivor_health_high_b -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high

cl_glow_survivor_health_high_colorblind_b -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high

cl_glow_survivor_health_high_colorblind_g -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high

cl_glow_survivor_health_high_colorblind_r -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high

cl_glow_survivor_health_high_g -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high

cl_glow_survivor_health_high_r -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high

cl_glow_survivor_health_low_b -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low

cl_glow_survivor_health_low_colorblind_b -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low

cl_glow_survivor_health_low_colorblind_g -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low

cl_glow_survivor_health_low_colorblind_r -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low

cl_glow_survivor_health_low_g -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low

cl_glow_survivor_health_low_r -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low

cl_glow_survivor_health_med_b -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium

cl_glow_survivor_health_med_colorblind_b -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium

cl_glow_survivor_health_med_colorblind_g -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium

cl_glow_survivor_health_med_colorblind_r -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium

cl_glow_survivor_health_med_g -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium

cl_glow_survivor_health_med_r -> 0 -> Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium

cl_glow_survivor_hurt_b -> 0 -> Color of survivor team mate glow when incapacitated

cl_glow_survivor_hurt_g -> 0 -> Color of survivor team mate glow when incapacitated

cl_glow_survivor_hurt_r -> 1 -> Color of survivor team mate glow when incapacitated

cl_glow_survivor_r -> 0 -> Color of survivor team mate glow

cl_glow_survivor_vomit_b -> 0 -> Color the Survivors see the IT victim glow

cl_glow_survivor_vomit_g -> 0 -> Color the Survivors see the IT victim glow

cl_glow_survivor_vomit_r -> 1 -> Color the Survivors see the IT victim glow

cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_b -> 0 ->

cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_colorblind_b -> 1 ->

cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_colorblind_g -> 1 ->

cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_colorblind_r -> 0 ->

cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_g -> 0 ->

cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_r -> 1 ->

cl_hidemenu_spawnclass_boomer -> 5 -> SS

cl_hidemenu_spawnclass_boomer2 -> 0 -> SS_ADDED

cl_hidemenu_spawnclass_hunter -> 5 -> SS

cl_hidemenu_spawnclass_hunter2 -> 0 -> SS_ADDED

cl_hidemenu_spawnclass_smoker -> 5 -> SS

cl_hidemenu_spawnclass_smoker2 -> 0 -> SS_ADDED

cl_hidemenu_spawnmode -> 5 -> SS

cl_hidemenu_spawnmode2 -> 0 -> SS_ADDED

cl_ideal_spec_mode -> 5 -> SERVER_CAN_EXECUTEdesired spectator mode (4 = in-eye 5 = chase 6 = roaming)

cl_idealpitchscale -> 0 ->

cl_ignorepackets -> 0 -> Force client to ignore packets (for debugging).

cl_interp -> 0 -> Sets the interpolation amount (bounded on low side by server interp ratio settings).

cl_interp_ratio -> 2 -> Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate).

cl_jiggle_bone_debug -> 0 -> Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information

cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints -> 0 -> Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information

cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints -> 0 -> Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information

cl_jiggle_bone_invert -> 0 ->

cl_lagcompensation -> 1 -> Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.

cl_language -> 0 -> Language (from HKCUSoftwareValveSteamLanguage)

cl_leafsystemvis -> 0 ->

cl_leveloverview -> 0 ->

cl_leveloverviewmarker -> 0 ->

cl_logofile -> 0 -> Spraypoint logo decal.

cl_max_joinable_players -> 2 -> Number of players this client is allowed to join to the game.

cl_maxrenderable_dist -> 3000 ->Max distance from the camera at which things will be rendered

cl_menuduration -> 10 -> Client menus will hide after this many seconds (-1 disables)

cl_mouseenable -> 1 ->

cl_mouselook -> 1 -> SSSet to 1 to use mouse for look 0 for keyboard look. Cannot be set while connected to a server.

cl_mouselook2 -> 1 -> SS_ADDEDSet to 1 to use mouse for look 0 for keyboard look. Cannot be set while connected to a server.

cl_observercrosshair -> 1 ->

cl_overdraw_test -> 0 -> NEVER_AS_STRING

cl_panelanimation -> Shows panel animation variables: .

cl_particle_retire_cost -> 0 ->

cl_particles_dump_effects ->

cl_particles_show_bbox -> 0 ->

cl_pclass -> 0 -> Dump entity by prediction classname.

cl_pdump -> -1 -> Dump info about this entity to screen.

cl_perf_wizard_enable -> 1 -> Enables a performance-tuning wizard

cl_phys_timescale -> 1 -> Sets the scale of time for client-side physics (ragdolls)

cl_pitchdown -> 89 ->

cl_pitchup -> 89 ->

cl_playerspraydisable -> 0 -> Disable player sprays.

cl_precacheinfo -> Show precache info (client).

cl_pred_track -> : Track changes to entity index entindex for field fieldname.

cl_predict -> 1 -> Perform client side prediction.

cl_predictioncopy_describe -> Describe datamap_t for entindex

cl_predictionlist -> 0 -> Show which entities are predicting

cl_predictweapons -> 1 -> Perform client side prediction of weapon effects.

cl_ragdoll_gravity -> 386 -> Sets the gravity client-side ragdolls

cl_ragdoll_limit -> 20 -> Maximum number of ragdolls to show (-1 disables limit)

cl_reloadpostprocessparams ->

cl_removedecals -> Remove the decals from the entity under the crosshair.

cl_report_soundpatch -> reports client-side sound patch count

cl_resend -> 6 -> Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt

cl_shadowtextureoverlaysize -> 256 ->

cl_show__polish_options_dlg -> Show the polish options dialog

cl_show_path -> 1 ->

cl_showanimstate -> -1 -> Show the (client) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).

cl_showanimstate_activities -> 1 -> Show activities in the (client) animation state display.

cl_showents -> Dump entity list to console.

cl_showevents -> 0 -> Print event firing info in the console

cl_showfps -> 0 -> Draw fps meter at top of screen (1 = fps 2 = smooth fps 3 = server MS 4 = Show FPS and Log to file )

cl_showhelp -> 1 -> Set to 0 to not show on-screen help

cl_showpluginmessages -> 1 -> Allow plugins to display messages to you

cl_showpos -> 0 -> Draw current position at top of screen

cl_showposeparams -> 1 ->

cl_skipfastpath -> 0 -> Set to 1 to stop all models that go through the model fast path from rendering

cl_skipslowpath -> 0 -> Set to 1 to skip any models that don't go through the model fast path

cl_smoke_color_percent -> 0 ->

cl_soundfile -> 0 -> Jingle sound file.

cl_soundscape_flush -> Flushes the client side soundscapes

cl_soundscape_printdebuginfo -> print soundscapes

cl_sporeclipdistance -> 512 ->

cl_ss_origin -> print origin in script format

cl_sun_decay_rate -> 0 ->

cl_timeout -> 30 -> After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server the client will disconnect itself

cl_updaterate -> 20 -> Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server

cl_updatevisibility -> Updates visibility bits.

cl_upspeed -> 320 ->

cl_use_update_interval -> 0 -> Time between use target updates

cl_view -> Set the view entity index.

cl_viewtarget_debug -> 0 ->

cl_viewtarget_offset -> 0 ->

cl_viewtarget_player -> 0 -> Lock 3rd person spec looking into target's eyes

cl_winddir -> 0 -> Weather effects wind direction angle

cl_windspeed -> 0 -> Weather effects wind speed scalar

cl_witch_light_brightness -> 5 ->

cl_witch_light_color_b -> 0 ->

cl_witch_light_color_g -> 0 ->

cl_witch_light_color_r -> 255 ->

cl_witch_light_cone -> 45 ->

cl_witch_light_debug -> 0 ->

cl_witch_light_enable -> 1 ->

cl_witch_light_offset_x -> 10 ->

cl_witch_light_offset_y -> 0 ->

cl_witch_light_offset_z -> 35 ->

cl_witch_light_offset_z_max -> 30 ->

cl_witch_light_radius -> 60 ->

cl_wpn_sway_scale -> 1 ->

claw_force -> 240 -> Force with witch the claw shoves other zombies away

claw_plays_hit_anims -> 0 -> Play the new hit anims for debugging?

claw_range -> 52 -> Range of the Claw weapon

claw_range_down -> 70 -> Range of the Claw weapon when looking straight down so it can reach your feet from your eyes.

claw_swing_duration -> 0 ->

claw_swing_interval -> 1 ->

claw_swing_miss_interval -> 0 ->

clear -> Clear all console output.

clear_attribute -> Remove given attribute from all areas in the selected set.

clear_debug_overlays -> clears debug overlays

clientport -> 27005 Host game client port

closecaption -> 0 -> Enable close captioning.

0 -> Forward command to server.
1 -> sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 1
2 -> sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 2
3 -> sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 3
4 -> sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 4

collision_test -> Tests collision system

colorcorrectionui -> Show/hide the color correction tools UI.

'+commandermousemove' ->

'-commandermousemove' ->

commentary_cvarsnotchanging ->

commentary_finishnode ->

commentary_firstrun -> 0 ->

commentary_showmodelviewer -> Display the commentary model viewer. Usage: commentary_showmodelviewer

commentary_testfirstrun ->

con_enable -> 1 -> Allows the console to be activated.

condump -> dump the text currently in the console to condumpXX.log

connect -> Connect to specified server.

crash -> Cause the engine to crash (Debug!!)

create_flashlight ->

CreatePredictionError -> Create a prediction error

crosshair -> 1 ->

cs_make_vip -> Marks a player as the VIP

cs_ShowStateTransitions -> -2 -> cs_ShowStateTransitions . Show player state transitions.

current_flow_distance -> Reports the flow distance for the local player

cvarlist -> Show the list of convars/concommands.

dbghist_addline -> Add a line to the debug history. Format:

dbghist_dump -> Dump the debug history to the console. Format:

-> 0: Entity I/O
-> 1: AI Decisions
-> 2: Sc

debug_visibility_monitor -> 0 ->

debug_zombie_panel -> 0 -> -1 = Too Far 1 = Tank 2 = Someone else tank

debugsystemui -> Show/hide the debug system UI.

default_fov -> 90 ->

_gototick -> Skips to a tick in .

_pause -> Pauses playback.

_polish_auto_polish -> 1 -> When enabled will cause a recorded to be polished automatically on end record.

_polish_bone_test_index -> -1 -> Test bone index.

_recordcommands -> 1 -> Record commands typed at console into .dem files.

_resume -> Resumes playback.

_timescale -> Sets replay speed.

_togglepause -> Toggles playback.

list -> Print sequence list.

s -> file sequence.

ui -> Show/hide the player UI.

'+ui2' -> Bring the advanced player UI (ui2) to foreground.

'-ui2' -> Send the advanced player UI (ui2) to background.

ui2 -> Show/hide the advanced player UI (ui2).

devshots_nextmap -> Used by the devshots system to go to the next map in the devshots maplist.

devshots_screenshot -> Used by the -makedevshots system to take a screenshot. For taking your own screenshots use the 'screenshot' command instead.

differences -> Show all convars which are not at their default values.

director_ai_tanks -> 0 ->

director_build_up_min_interval -> 15 ->

director_convert_pills -> 1 ->

director_convert_pills_critical_health -> 50 ->

director_debug -> 0 ->

director_debug_scavenge_items -> 0 ->

director_debug_threat_placement -> 0 ->

director_finale_infinite -> 0 -> Never bring in a rescue vehicle.

director_finale_item_cluster_count -> 3 -> How many clusters of items will be populated in the finale

director_finale_max_loops -> 2 -> Versus mode: Number of times to loop through the finale waves before rescue.

director_finale_mob_max_interval -> 45 ->

director_finale_mob_min_interval -> 5 ->

director_finale_mob_relax_interval -> 20 -> How long a 'relax' wave lasts during the finale

director_finale_stage_delay -> 5 ->

director_force_background -> 0 -> Forces background map population logic for testing

director_force_panic_event -> Forces a 'PanicEvent' to occur

director_force_tank -> 0 ->

director_force_versus_start -> Force start the versus game so PZs can spawn even if survivors are still in the safe room

director_force_witch -> 0 ->

director_gas_can_density -> 6 -> Items per 100 yards square

director_ingress_range -> 3000 ->

director_intensity_relax_allow_wanderers_threshold -> 0 -> All survivors must be below this intensity during RELAX for wandering zombies to be spawned

director_intensity_relax_allow_wanderers_threshold_expert -> 0 -> All survivors must be below this intensity during RELAX for wandering zombies to be spawned

director_intensity_relax_allow_wanderers_threshold_hard -> 0 -> All survivors must be below this intensity during RELAX for wandering zombies to be spawned

director_intensity_relax_threshold -> 0 -> All survivors must be below this intensity before a Peak is allowed to switch to Relax (in addition to the normal peak timer)

director_intensity_threshold -> 0 ->

director_item_cluster_range -> 50 -> Scavenge items of the same kind that are this close to each other are considered a single 'cluster' for population purposes

director_molotov_density -> 6 -> Items per 100 yards square

director_must_create_all_scavenge_items -> 0 ->

director_no_bosses -> 0 -> Disable boss spawns

director_no_death_check -> 0 -> Disable survivor team death ending scenario

director_no_mobs -> 0 -> Disable mob rushes

director_no_specials -> 0 -> Disable PZ spawns

director_no_survivor_bots -> 0 -> Disable filling out the survivor team with bots

director_oxygen_tank_density -> 6 -> Items per 100 yards square

director_pain_pill_density -> 6 -> Items per 100 yards square

director_panic_forever -> 0 -> Panic events never end

director_pipe_bomb_density -> 6 -> Items per 100 yards square

director_pistol_density -> 4 -> Items per 100 yards square

director_print_player_counts -> Prints out counts of connected players and transitioning players (for debugging)

director_propane_tank_density -> 6 -> Items per 100 yards square

director_ready_duration -> 60 -> If nonzero survivor team has this amount of time to get ready before starting out

director_ready_radius -> 300 -> The distance survivors can move from the starting weapons during the ready period

director_relax_max_flow_travel -> 3000 ->

director_relax_max_interval -> 45 ->

director_relax_min_interval -> 30 ->

director_report -> Prints a snapshot of the director's state

director_scavenge_item_override -> 0 -> Override map-specified item densities with cvar values for tuning

director_short_finale -> 0 -> Short finale for testing escape vehicles

director_show_intensity -> 0 ->

director_special_battlefield_respawn_interval -> 10 ->

director_special_finale_offer_length -> 10 -> How long is given to a player to accept the offer of a special zombie during the finale.

director_special_initial_spawn_delay_max -> 60 ->

director_special_initial_spawn_delay_max_extra -> 180 ->

director_special_initial_spawn_delay_min -> 30 ->

director_special_original_offer_length -> 30 -> How long is given to the first player to accept the offer of a special zombie.

director_special_respawn_interval -> 45 ->

director_spectate_specials -> 0 -> Allow spectating zombies

director_start -> Restores spawning of all wanderers mobs specials and bosses

director_stop -> Shuts off all wanderers mobs specials and bosses

director_sustain_peak_max_time -> 5 ->

director_sustain_peak_min_time -> 3 ->

director_tank_bypass_max_flow_travel -> 1500 ->

director_tank_checkpoint_interval -> 15 -> Min time after leaving a checkpoint that a tank can spawn

director_tank_force_offer -> 0 -> Forces the director to offer a tank

director_tank_lottery_entry_time -> 0 -> Time it takes for entry into the tank lottery

director_tank_lottery_selection_time -> 4 -> Time it takes for selection in the tank lottery

director_tank_max_interval -> 500 ->

director_tank_min_interval -> 350 ->

director_tank_offer_debug -> 0 ->

director_threat_clear_radius -> 500 -> Prevent wandering zombies within this radius of threats

director_threat_max_separation -> 5000 ->

director_threat_min_separation -> 5000 ->

director_threat_radius -> 1000 ->

director_transition_timeout -> 60 -> Duration (in seconds) to wait for survivors to transition across changelevels

director_unfreeze_time -> 20 -> Duration (in seconds) to wait to unfreeze a team after the first player has connected

disable_dynamic_prop_loading -> 0 -> If non-zero when a map loads dynamic props won't be loaded

disable_static_prop_loading -> 0 -> If non-zero when a map loads static props won't be loaded

disconnect -> Disconnect game from server.

display_elapsedtime -> Displays how much time has elapsed since the game started

display_game_events -> 0 ->

dlight_debug -> Creates a dlight in front of the player

drawcross -> Draws a cross at the given location

Arguments: x y z

drawline -> Draws line between two 3D Points.

Green if no collision
Red is collides with something
Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2

dsp_dist_max -> 1440 ->

dsp_dist_min -> 0 ->

dsp_enhance_stereo -> 0 ->

dsp_off -> 0 ->

dsp_player -> 0 -> SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE

dsp_reload ->

dsp_slow_cpu -> 0 ->

dsp_volume -> 0 ->

dti_flush -> Write out the datatable instrumentation files (you must run with -dti for this to work).

'+duck' ->

'-duck' ->

dump_entity_sizes -> Print sizeof(entclass)

dump_globals -> Dump all global entities/states

dump_player_reports -> Dump all player reports to the console for debugging.

dump_pz_data -> Dump PZ data

dump_team_desired -> Print out team_desired of each plaeyr

dumpentityfactories -> Lists all entity factory names.

dumpeventqueue -> Dump the contents of the Entity I/O event queue to the console.

dumpgamestringtable -> Dump the contents of the game string table to the console.

dumpsavedir -> List the contents of the save directory in memory

dumpstringtables -> Print string tables to console.

echo -> Echo text to console.

edit -> Edit a recorded file (.dem ).

editor_toggle -> Disables the simulation and returns focus to the editor

enable_debug_overlays -> 1 -> Enable rendering of debug overlays

enable_skeleton_draw -> 0 -> Render skeletons in wireframe

endmovie -> Stop recording movie frames.

endround -> End the current round.

english -> 1 -> If set to 1 running the english language set of assets.

ent_absbox -> Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays.

ent_attachments -> Displays the attachment points on an entity.
Arguments: / / no argument picks what player is loo

ent_autoaim -> Displays the entity's autoaim radius.
Arguments: / / no argument picks what player is looking at

ent_bbox -> Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlay

ent_cancelpendingentfires -> Cancels all ent_fire created outputs that are currently waiting for their delay to expire.

ent_create -> Creates an entity of the given type where the player is looking.

ent_dump -> Usage:

ent_fire -> Usage:
ent_fire [action] [value] [delay]

ent_info -> Usage:

ent_keyvalue -> Applies the comma delimited key=value pairs to the entity with the given Hammer ID.
Format: ent_keyvalue =

ent_messages -> Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies). The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any mes

ent_messages_draw -> 0 -> Visualizes all entity input/output activity.

ent_name ->

ent_orient -> Orient the specified entity to match the player's angles. By default only orients target entity's YAW. Use the 'allangles' opt

ent_pause -> Toggles pausing of input/output message processing for entities. When turned on processing of all message will stop. Any mess

ent_pivot -> Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies).
(y=up=green z=forward=blue x=left=red).
Arguments: / {class

ent_rbox -> Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays.

ent_remove -> Removes the given entity(s)
Arguments: / / no argument picks what player is looking at

ent_remove_all -> Removes all entities of the specified type
Arguments: /

ent_rotate -> Rotates an entity by a specified # of degrees

ent_setang -> Set entity angles

ent_setname -> Sets the targetname of the given entity(s)

Arguments: {new entity name} / / no argument picks wh

ent_setpos -> Move entity to position

ent_show_response_criteria -> Print to the console an entity's current criteria set used to select responses.
Arguments: / /

ent_step -> When 'ent_pause' is set this will step through one waiting input / output message at a time.

ent_teleport -> Teleport the specified entity to where the player is looking.
Format: ent_teleport

ent_text -> Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)
Arguments: {entity_

ent_viewoffset -> Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red.
Arguments: / / no argument picks wha

envmap ->

escape -> Escape key pressed.

exec -> Execute script file.

exit -> Exit the engine.

explode -> Kills the player with explosive damage

explodevector -> Kills a player applying an explosive force. Usage: explodevector

fade_crosshair -> Fades the prop being looked at

fade_immediately -> 0 ->

fadein -> fadein {time r g b}: Fades the screen in from black or from the specified color over the given number of seconds.

fadeout -> fadeout {time r g b}: Fades the screen to black or to the specified color over the given number of seconds.

find -> Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.

find_ent -> Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substring.
Format: find_ent

find_ent_index -> Display data for entity matching specified index.
Format: find_ent_index

findflags -> Find concommands by flags.

firetarget ->

first_aid_heal_percent -> 0 -> Percent of injuries to heal

first_aid_kit_max_heal -> 100 ->

first_aid_kit_range -> 100 ->

first_aid_kit_use_duration -> 5 ->

firstperson -> Switch to firstperson camera.

fish_debug -> 0 -> Show debug info for fish

fish_dormant -> 0 -> Turns off interactive fish behavior. Fish become immobile and unresponsive.

fix_versus_convars -> 1 ->

flush -> Flush unlocked cache memory.

flush_locked -> Flush unlocked and locked cache memory.

fly_add_keyframe ->

fly_clear_all_keyframes ->

fly_show_path ->

fly_start ->

fog_color -> -1 ->

fog_colorskybox -> -1 ->

fog_enable -> 1 ->

fog_enable_water_fog -> 1 ->

fog_enableskybox -> 1 ->

fog_end -> -1 ->

fog_endskybox -> -1 ->

fog_hdrcolorscale -> -1 ->

fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox -> -1 ->

fog_maxdensity -> -1 ->

fog_maxdensityskybox -> -1 ->

fog_override -> 0 -> Overrides the map's fog settings (-1 populates fog_ vars with map's values)

fog_start -> -1 ->

fog_startskybox -> -1 ->

force_centerview ->

forcebind -> Bind a command to an available key. (forcebind command opt:suggestedKey)

'-forward' ->
'+forward' ->

foundry_engine_get_mouse_control -> Give the engine control of the mouse.

foundry_engine_release_mouse_control -> Give the control of the mouse back to Hammer.

foundry_select_entity -> Select the entity under the crosshair or select entities with the specified name.

foundry_sync_hammer_view -> Move Hammer's 3D view to the same position as the engine's 3D view.

foundry_update_entity -> Updates the entity's position/angles when in edit mode

fov_desired -> 90 -> SSSets the base field-of-view.

fov_desired2 -> 90 -> SS_ADDEDSets the base field-of-view.

fs_printopenfiles -> Show all files currently opened by the engine.

fs_warning_level -> Set the filesystem warning level.

func_break_max_pieces -> 15 ->

g15_dumpplayer -> Spew player data.

g15_reload -> Reloads the Logitech G-15 Keyboard configs.

g15_update_msec -> 250 -> Logitech G-15 Keyboard update interval.

g_debug_angularsensor -> 0 ->

g_debug_constraint_sounds -> 0 -> Enable debug printing about constraint sounds.

g_debug_physcannon -> 0 ->

g_debug_ragdoll_removal -> 0 ->

g_debug_ragdoll_visualize -> 0 ->

g_debug_vehiclebase -> 0 ->

g_debug_vehicleexit -> 0 ->

g_debug_vehiclesound -> 0 ->

gameinstructor_dump_open_lessons -> Gives a list of all currently open lessons.

gameinstructor_enable -> 1 -> Display in game lessons that teach new players.

gameinstructor_reload_lessons -> Shuts down all open lessons and reloads them from the script file.

gameinstructor_reset_counts -> Resets all display and success counts to zero.

gameinstructor_verbose -> 0 -> Set to 1 for standard debugging or 2 (in combo with gameinstructor_verbose_lesson) to show update actions.

gameinstructor_verbose_lesson -> 0 -> Display more verbose information for lessons have this name.

gamemenucommand -> Issue game menu command.

gameui_activate -> Shows the game UI

gameui_allowescape -> Escape key allowed to hide game UI

gameui_allowescapetoshow -> Escape key allowed to show game UI

gameui_hide -> Hides the game UI

gameui_hide_dialog -> asdf

gameui_preventescape -> Escape key doesn't hide game UI

gameui_preventescapetoshow -> Escape key doesn't show game UI

gameui_show_dialog -> Show an arbitrary Dialog.

gamma_dialog -> Opens the gamma adjustment dialog

getpos -> dump position and angles to the console

getpos_exact -> dump origin and angles to the console

give -> Give item to player.

givecurrentammo -> Give a supply of ammo for current weapon..

gl_clear_randomcolor -> 0 -> Clear the back buffer to random colors every frame. Helps spot open seams in geometry.

global_set -> global_set : Sets the state of the given env_global (0 = OFF 1 = ON 2 = DEAD).

go_away_from_keyboard -> Go away from the keyboard so a bot will take over.

god -> 0 -> Survivors don't take damage

'-graph' ->

'+graph' ->

'-grenade1' ->

'+grenade1' ->

'-grenade2' ->

'+grenade2' ->

groundlist -> Display ground entity list

hammer_update_entity -> Updates the entity's position/angles when in edit mode

hammer_update_safe_entities -> Updates entities in the map that can safely be updated (don't have parents or are affected by constraints). Also excludes entit

heartbeat -> Force heartbeat of master servers

help -> Find help about a convar/concommand.

hide_message_panel -> Hides the message panel

hideconsole -> Hide the console.

hidehud -> 0 -> bitmask: 1=weapon selection 2=flashlight 4=all 8=health 16=player dead 32=needssuit 64=misc 128=chat 256=crosshair 512

hidepanel -> Hides a viewport panel

holdout_boomer_limit_increase -> 0 -> After each special wave increase max boomers by this amount.

holdout_horde_stage_interval -> 60 -> Seconds between horde attacks

holdout_horde_stage_interval_decay -> 2 -> After each horde attack reduce the interval by this many seconds

holdout_hunter_limit_increase -> 1 -> After each special wave increase max hunters by this amount.

holdout_lull_time -> 15 -> Lull duration between holdout waves.

holdout_lull_time_increment -> 15 -> Increment for the lull time per wave.

holdout_lull_time_max -> 60 -> Max lull duration.

holdout_max_boomers -> 2 -> Max boomers alive at one time.

holdout_max_hunters -> 3 -> Max hunters alive at one time.

holdout_max_smokers -> 4 -> Max smokers alive at one time.

holdout_max_specials -> 9 -> Max number of special zombies alive at one time.

holdout_round_restart_delay -> 15 -> After a loss restart the round after this many seconds.

holdout_smoker_limit_increase -> 1 -> After each special wave increase max smokers by this amount.

holdout_special_spawn_interval -> 20 -> Seconds between special spawn waves

holdout_special_spawn_interval_decay -> 1 -> After each special wave reduce the spawn interval by this many seconds

holdout_special_stage_interval -> 40 -> After this many seconds increase the limit for each special type

holdout_start -> Force the holdout to start

holdout_tank_double_spawn_delay -> 10 -> Delay between the two tanks during double spawns.

holdout_tank_stage_interval -> 80 -> Seconds between tank attacks

holdout_tank_stage_interval_decay -> 20 -> After some number of waves reduce the interval by this many seconds

host_flush_threshold -> 12 -> Memory threshold below which the host should flush caches between server instances

host_map -> 0 -> Current map name.

host_runofftime -> Run off some time without rendering/updating sounds

host_sleep -> 0 -> Force the host to sleep a certain number of milliseconds each frame.

host_timescale -> 1 -> Prescale the clock by this amount.

host_writeconfig -> Store current settings to config.cfg (or specified .cfg file).

host_writeconfig_ss -> Store current settings to config.cfg (or specified .cfg file) with first param as splitscreen index.

hostfile -> 0 -> The HOST file to load.

hostip -> 1136552192.000Host game server ip

hostname -> 119 -> Hostname for server.

hostport -> 27015 Host game server port

hud_classautokill -> 1 -> Automatically kill player after choosing a new playerclass.

hud_reloadscheme -> Reloads hud layout and animation scripts.

hud_takesshots -> 0 -> Auto-save a scoreboard screenshot at the end of a map.

hud_targetid_rangefinder -> 0 -> shows range for different masks

hud_zombieteam -> 1 -> Show infected team status on the HUD

hud_zombieteam_showself -> 0 -> Show your own status in the zombie team display

hunter_committed_attack_range -> 75 ->

hunter_leap_away_give_up_range -> 1000 ->

hunter_pounce_air_speed -> 700 ->

hunter_pounce_loft_rate -> 0 -> Hunter adds this angle/distance when pouncing

hunter_pounce_max_loft_angle -> 45 -> Maximum loft angle for Hunter Pounce angle adjustment

hunter_pounce_ready_range -> 500 -> If victim is this close crouch and get ready

hunter_pz_claw_dmg -> 6 -> Amount of damage done by a PZ hunter's regular melee attack

hurtme -> Hurts the player.

impulse ->

in_forceuser -> 0 -> Force user input to this split screen player.

incrementvar -> Increment specified convar value.

inferno_child_spawn_interval_multiplier -> 1 -> Amount spawn interval increases for each child

inferno_child_spawn_max_depth -> 4 ->

inferno_damage -> 40 -> Damage per second

inferno_debug -> 0 ->

inferno_dlight_spacing -> 200 -> Inferno dlights are at least this far apart

inferno_flame_lifetime -> 15 -> Average lifetime of each flame in seconds

inferno_flame_spacing -> 50 -> Minimum distance between separate flame spawns

inferno_friendly_fire_duration -> 6 -> For this long FF is credited back to the thrower.

inferno_initial_spawn_interval -> 0 -> Time between spawning flames for first fire

inferno_max_child_spawn_interval -> 1 -> Largest time interval for child flame spawning

inferno_max_flames -> 32 -> Maximum number of flames that can be created

inferno_max_range -> 500 -> Maximum distance flames can spread from their initial ignition point

inferno_particles -> 0 ->

inferno_per_flame_spawn_duration -> 5 -> Duration each new flame will attempt to spawn new flames

inferno_scorch_decals -> 0 ->

inferno_spawn_angle -> 45 -> Angular change from parent

inferno_surface_offset -> 20 ->

inferno_velocity_decay_factor -> 0 ->

inferno_velocity_factor -> 0 ->

inferno_velocity_normal_factor -> 0 ->

intensity_averaged_following_decay -> 20 -> Seconds for the 'time averaged intensity' to meet the baseline intensity

intensity_decay_time -> 30 -> Seconds to decay full intensity to zero

intensity_enemy_death_far_range -> 500 ->

intensity_enemy_death_near_range -> 150 ->

intensity_factor -> 0 -> How quickly intensity increases

intensity_lock -> -1 -> Lock players' intensities at this value

'+invaction' ->

'-invaction' ->

invnext ->

invprev ->

ip -> 0 -> Overrides IP for multihomed hosts

jal_quick_entry -> Debug entry point

'+jlook' ->

'-jlook' ->

joy_accelmax -> 1 ->

joy_accelscale -> 0 ->

joy_advanced -> 0 ->

joy_advaxisr -> 0 ->

joy_advaxisu -> 0 ->

joy_advaxisv -> 0 ->

joy_advaxisx -> 0 ->

joy_advaxisy -> 0 ->

joy_advaxisz -> 0 ->

joy_autoaimdampen -> 0 -> How much to scale user stick input when the gun is pointing at a valid target.

joy_autoaimdampenrange -> 0 -> The stick range where autoaim dampening is applied. 0 = off

joy_axisbutton_threshold -> 0 -> Analog axis range before a button press is registered.

joy_circle_correct -> 1 ->

joy_diagonalpov -> 0 -> POV manipulator operates on diagonal axes too.

joy_display_input -> 0 ->

joy_forwardsensitivity -> -1 ->

joy_forwardthreshold -> 0 ->

joy_inverty -> 0 -> SSWhether to invert the Y axis of the joystick for looking.

joy_inverty2 -> 0 -> SS_ADDEDWhether to invert the Y axis of the joystick for looking.

joy_lowend -> 1 ->

joy_lowmap -> 1 ->

joy_movement_stick -> 0 -> SSWhich stick controls movement (0 is left stick)

joy_movement_stick2 -> 0 -> SS_ADDEDWhich stick controls movement (0 is left stick)

joy_name -> 0 ->

joy_pitchsensitivity -> 1 -> SS

joy_pitchsensitivity2 -> 1 -> SS_ADDED

joy_pitchthreshold -> 0 ->

joy_response_look -> 0 -> 'Look' stick response mode: 0=Default 1=Acceleration Promotion

joy_response_move -> 1 -> 'Movement' stick response mode: 0=Linear 1=quadratic 2=cubic 3=quadratic extreme 4=power function(i.e. pow(x1/sensitivity

joy_sensitive_step0 -> 0 ->

joy_sensitive_step1 -> 0 ->

joy_sensitive_step2 -> 0 ->

joy_sidesensitivity -> 1 ->

joy_sidethreshold -> 0 ->

joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack -> 0 -> Wingman warrior centering hack.

joy_wingmanwarrior_turnhack -> 0 -> Wingman warrior hack related to turn axes.

joy_yawsensitivity -> -1 -> SS

joy_yawsensitivity2 -> -1 -> SS_ADDED

joy_yawthreshold -> 0 ->

joyadvancedupdate ->

joystick -> 0 ->

jpeg -> Take a jpeg screenshot: jpeg .

'-jump' ->

'+jump' ->

kdtree_test -> Tests spatial partition for entities queries.

key_findbinding -> Find key bound to specified command string.

key_listboundkeys -> List bound keys with bindings.

key_updatelayout -> Updates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting.

kick -> Kick a player by name.

kick_transitioning -> Kick a transitioning player by userID

kickid -> Kick a player by userid or uniqueid with a message.

kill -> Kills the player with generic damage

killserver -> Shutdown the server.

killvector -> Kills a player applying force. Usage: killvector

'-klook' ->

'+klook' ->

lastinv ->

leaderboard_duplicate_entries -> 1 ->

'-left' ->

'+left' ->

left_4_dead_radio -> 0 ->

light_crosshair -> Show texture color at crosshair

lightcache_maxmiss -> 2 ->

lightprobe -> Samples the lighting environment.

Creates a cubemap and a file indicating the local lighting in a subdirectory called 'material

linefile -> Parses map leak data from .lin file

list -> List file contents.

listid -> Lists banned users.

listip -> List IP addresses on the ban list.

listissues -> List all the issues that can be voted on.

listmodels -> List loaded models.

listRecentNPCSpeech -> Displays a list of the last 5 lines of speech from NPCs.

load -> Load a saved game.

loadcommentary ->

loader_dump_table ->

log -> Enables logging to file console and udp < on | off >.

logaddress_add -> Set address and port for remote host .

logaddress_del -> Remove address and port for remote host .

logaddress_delall -> Remove all udp addresses being logged to
logaddress_list -> List all addresses currently being used by logaddress.
'-lookdown' ->
'+lookdown' ->

'-lookspin' ->

'+lookspin' ->

lookspring -> 0 ->

lookstrafe -> 0 ->

'+lookup' ->

'-lookup' ->

lower_body_debug -> 0 ->

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