European CodeBase


PC - Spiele :: Left 4 Dead :: Cheats - Konsolen Befehle Part 2
| Hits: 2937 | Aufgenommen am 07.05.09 | Aktualisiert am 07.05.09 | Verfasser: GodShin |
m_customaccel -> 0 -> Custom mouse acceleration (0 disable 1 to enable 2 enable with separate yaw/pitch rescale).

Formula: mousesensitivity = ( raw

m_customaccel_exponent -> 1 -> Mouse move is raised to this power before being scaled by scale factor.

m_customaccel_max -> 0 -> Max mouse move scale factor 0 for no limit

m_customaccel_scale -> 0 -> Custom mouse acceleration value.

m_filter -> 0 -> SSMouse filtering (set this to 1 to average the mouse over 2 frames).

m_filter2 -> 0 -> SS_ADDEDMouse filtering (set this to 1 to average the mouse over 2 frames).

m_forward -> 1 -> Mouse forward factor.

m_mouseaccel1 -> 0 -> Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (2x movement).

m_mouseaccel2 -> 0 -> Windows mouse acceleration secondary threshold (4x movement).

m_mousespeed -> 1 -> Windows mouse speed factor (range 1 to 20).

m_pitch -> 0 -> SSMouse pitch factor.

m_pitch2 -> 0 -> SS_ADDEDMouse pitch factor.

m_side -> 0 -> Mouse side factor.

m_yaw -> 0 -> Mouse yaw factor.

map -> Start playing on specified map.

map_background -> Runs a map as the background to the main menu.

map_commentary -> Start playing with commentary on a specified map.

map_edit ->

map_showspawnpoints -> Shows player spawn points (red=invalid)

maps -> Displays list of maps.

mark -> Set attribute of selected area.

mat_accelerate_adjust_exposure_down -> 3 ->

mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar -> 0 ->

mat_bloomamount_rate -> 0 ->

mat_bumpbasis -> 0 ->

mat_camerarendertargetoverlaysize -> 128 ->

mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside -> 0 -> Forces color correction entities to be updated on the client

mat_configcurrent -> show the current video control panel config for the material system

mat_crosshair -> Display the name of the material under the crosshair

mat_crosshair_edit -> open the material under the crosshair in the editor defined by mat_crosshair_edit_editor

mat_crosshair_explorer -> open the material under the crosshair in explorer and highlight the vmt file

mat_crosshair_printmaterial -> print the material under the crosshair

mat_crosshair_reloadmaterial -> reload the material under the crosshair

mat_debug -> Activates debugging spew for a specific material.

mat_debug_bloom -> 0 ->

mat_debugalttab -> 0 ->

mat_drawflat -> 0 ->

mat_drawwater -> 1 ->

mat_dynamic_tonemapping -> 1 ->

mat_dynamiclightmaps -> 0 ->

mat_edit -> Bring up the material under the crosshair in the editor

mat_exposure_center_region_x -> 0 ->

mat_exposure_center_region_y -> 0 ->

mat_fastnobump -> 0 ->
mat_fillrate -> 0 ->

mat_force_bloom -> 0 ->

mat_force_tonemap_scale -> 0 ->

mat_forcedynamic -> 0 ->

mat_frame_sync_enable -> 1 ->

mat_frame_sync_force_texture -> 0 -> Force frame syncing to lock a managed texture.

mat_fullbright -> 0 ->

mat_grain_scale_override -> 1 ->

mat_hdr_enabled -> Report if HDR is enabled for debugging

mat_hdr_tonemapscale -> 1 -> The HDR tonemap scale. 1 = Use autoexposure 0 = eyes fully closed 16 = eyes wide open.

mat_hdr_uncapexposure -> 0 ->

mat_hsv -> 0 ->

mat_info -> Shows material system info

mat_leafvis -> 0 -> Draw wireframe of current leaf

mat_loadtextures -> 1 ->

mat_lpreview_mode -> -1 ->

mat_luxels -> 0 ->

mat_measurefillrate -> 0 ->

mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled -> 0 ->

mat_morphstats -> 0 ->

mat_norendering -> 0 ->

mat_normalmaps -> 0 ->

mat_normals -> 0 ->

mat_postprocess_enable -> 1 ->

mat_proxy -> 0 ->

mat_queue_mode -> -1 -> The queue/thread mode the material system should use: -1=default 0=synchronous single thread 1=queued single thread 2=queued

mat_queue_priority -> 1 ->

mat_reloadallmaterials -> Reloads all materials

mat_reloadmaterial -> Reloads a single material

mat_reloadtextures -> Reloads all textures

mat_reporthwmorphmemory -> Reports the amount of size in bytes taken up by hardware morph textures.

mat_reversedepth -> 0 ->

mat_savechanges -> saves current video configuration to the registry

mat_setvideomode -> sets the width height windowed state of the material system

mat_shadercount -> display count of all shaders and reset that count

mat_show_texture_memory_usage -> 0 -> NEVER_AS_STRINGDisplay the texture memory usage on the HUD.

mat_showcamerarendertarget -> 0 ->

mat_showframebuffertexture -> 0 ->

mat_showmaterials -> Show materials.

mat_showmaterialsverbose -> Show materials (verbose version).

mat_showtextures -> Show used textures.

mat_showwatertextures -> 0 ->

mat_softwareskin -> 0 ->

mat_spewalloc -> 0 ->

mat_spewvertexandpixelshaders -> Print all vertex and pixel shaders currently loaded to the console

mat_stub -> 0 ->

mat_suppress -> Supress a material from drawing

mat_surfaceid -> 0 ->

mat_surfacemat -> 0 ->

'+mat_texture_list' ->

'-mat_texture_list' ->

mat_texture_list_exclude -> 'load' - loads the exclude list file 'reset' - resets all loaded exclude information 'save' - saves exclude list file

mat_texture_list_txlod -> Adjust LOD of the last viewed texture +1 to inc resolution -1 to dec resolution

mat_texture_list_txlod_sync -> 'reset' - resets all run-time changes to LOD overrides 'save' - saves all changes to material content files

mat_tonemap_algorithm -> 1 -> 0 = Original Algorithm 1 = New Algorithm

mat_tonemap_min_avglum -> 3 ->

mat_tonemap_percent_bright_pixels -> 1 ->

mat_tonemap_percent_target -> 45 ->

mat_viewportscale -> 1 -> Scale down the main viewport (to reduce GPU impact on CPU profiling)

mat_wireframe -> 0 ->

mat_yuv -> 0 ->

matchmakingport -> 27025 Host Matchmaking port

maxplayers -> Change the maximum number of players allowed on this server.

mem_compact ->

mem_dump -> Dump memory stats to text file.

mem_dumpvballocs -> Dump VB memory allocation stats.

mem_eat ->

mem_incremental_compact ->

mem_incremental_compact_rate -> 0 -> Rate at which to attempt internal heap compation

mem_test ->

mem_vcollide -> Dumps the memory used by vcollides

memory -> Print memory stats.

memory_diff -> show memory stats relative to snapshot

memory_list -> dump memory list (linux only)

memory_mark -> snapshot current allocation status

memory_status -> show memory stats (linux only)

'+menuAccept' ->

'-menuAccept' ->

'+menuDown' ->

'-menuDown' ->

menuselect -> menuselect

'+menuUp' ->

'-menuUp' ->

minisave -> Saves game (for current level only!)

mission_reload -> Reload the mission description.

mission_save -> Save the mission description.

mix_dynamic_cull_max_CI_emitters -> 0 ->

mix_dynamic_debug_CI -> 0 ->

mix_dynamic_max_CI_emitters -> 30 ->

mix_dynamic_num_attack_vox_CI -> 2 ->

mm_add_item -> Add a stats item

mm_add_player -> Add a player

mm_dump_avatars -> Dump avatar assignments

mm_ignore_lan_servers -> 0 -> Ignore local lan servers when searching for a dedicated server (only talk to the master).

mm_joinreply_waittime -> 3 ->

mm_l4d_debug -> 0 ->

mm_message -> Send a message to all remote clients

mm_select_session -> Select a session

mm_session_info -> Dump session information

mm_stats ->

mm_update_lobby_avatar -> Update lobby avatar based on team_desired.

mm_use_datacenter_ping_min -> 400 ->

mm_use_local_dedicated_server -> 1 ->

motd_enabled -> 1 -> Toggles whether or not to show the MOTD to clients when they connect.

motd_intros -> 15 ->

motdfile -> 0 -> The MOTD file to load.

'+mouse_menu' -> Opens a menu while held

'-mouse_menu' -> Executes the highlighted button on the radial menu (if cl_fastradial is 1)

'+movedown' ->

'-movedown' ->

'+moveleft' ->

'-moveleft' ->

'+moveright' ->

'-moveright' ->

'+moveup' ->

'-moveup' ->

movie_fixwave -> Fixup corrupted .wav file if engine crashed during startmovie/endmovie etc.

mp_disable_autokick -> Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked

mp_forcerespawnplayers -> Force all players to respawn.

mp_forcewin -> Forces team to win

mp_gamemode -> 0 -> Current game mode acceptable values are coop versus and survival.

mp_scrambleteams -> Scramble the teams and restart the game

mp_switchteams -> Switch teams and restart the game

ms_dedicated_search_timeout -> 30 -> How long (seconds) to search for a dedicated server before falling back to listen server.

ms_dedicated_server_type -> 0 -> Type of dedicated server to search for: 'official' or 'best' available.

ms_dump_netConnections -> Dump connection information

ms_dumpref -> Prints a dump of the ref counts of various match objects

ms_force_dedicated_server -> 0 -> Forces specified ip:port to be used for dedicated server.

ms_force_search_fail_dedicated_server -> 0 -> search fails so host locally

ms_friends_start_find -> Start Find All Friends

ms_friends_stop_find -> Stop Find All Friends

ms_search_nobackground -> 0 -> 1: no background searches will occur

ms_search_timeout -> 180 -> How long (seconds) to search for a live game before auto canceling.

ms_state -> Prints a dump of the current state of the local players

multiplayerendgame -> Take all of the connected clients and take them to the end game state.

multvar -> Multiply specified convar value.

music_calm_min_interval -> 45 -> Minimum time between DisturbingAtmosphere performances

music_dynamic_action_decay -> 10 ->

music_dynamic_ambient_decay -> 7 ->

music_dynamic_ambient_in_max -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_ambient_in_min -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_ambient_out_max -> 1 ->

music_dynamic_ambient_out_min -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_ambient_vol_min_alert -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_asg_speed -> 1 ->

music_dynamic_attack_CI_close_decay -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_attack_CI_close_distmax -> 600 ->

music_dynamic_attack_CI_distmax -> 2400 ->

music_dynamic_attack_CI_near_decay -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_attack_CI_near_distmax -> 300 ->

music_dynamic_attack_CI_num -> 30 ->

music_dynamic_attack_CI_veryclose_decay -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_attack_CI_veryclose_distmax -> 94 ->

music_dynamic_boomer_interval_beats -> 5 ->

music_dynamic_calm_decay -> 15 ->

music_dynamic_CI_sight_decay -> 8 ->

music_dynamic_damage_decay -> 10 ->

music_dynamic_damage_duck_damage_max -> 1 ->

music_dynamic_damage_duck_damage_min -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_damage_duck_max -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_damage_duck_min -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_damage_increment -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_debug -> 0 -> Draw parameter meters

music_dynamic_dodamage_decay -> 4 ->

music_dynamic_dodamage_increment -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_gunfire_decay -> 1 ->

music_dynamic_gunfire_increment -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_gunfireslow_decay -> 3 ->

music_dynamic_gunfireslow_increment -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_hunter_interval_beats -> 5 ->

music_dynamic_huntrifle_speed -> 3 ->

music_dynamic_melee_speed -> 2 ->

music_dynamic_mgun_speed -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_mob_action_close_max -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_mob_action_close_min -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_mob_action_decay -> 15 ->

music_dynamic_mob_action_increment -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_mob_action_max -> 1 ->

music_dynamic_mob_action_min -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_mob_choir_BPM -> 90 ->

music_dynamic_mob_choir_interval_beats -> 16 ->

music_dynamic_mob_choir_interval_randmultmax -> 3 ->

music_dynamic_mob_damage_max -> 1 ->

music_dynamic_mob_damage_min -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_mob_decay -> 15 ->

music_dynamic_mob_increment -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_mob_large -> 49 -> Spawning a large mob

music_dynamic_mob_max -> 1 ->

music_dynamic_mob_med -> 29 -> Spawning a med mob

music_dynamic_mob_min -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_mob_size -> 25 -> Spawning a mob this large can play music

music_dynamic_mob_small -> 20 -> Spawning a small mob

music_dynamic_mobstop_size -> 8 -> When a mob gets to this size we think about stopping the music

music_dynamic_on -> 1 ->

music_dynamic_pistol_speed -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_play ->

music_dynamic_psg_speed -> 2 ->

music_dynamic_PZ_BPM -> 80 ->

music_dynamic_PZ_interval_randmultmax -> 5 ->

music_dynamic_rifle_speed -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_scanmobstop_size -> 3 -> When see less than this many of a mob music stops

music_dynamic_SI_close_distmax -> 1200 ->

music_dynamic_SI_far_distmin -> 1800 ->

music_dynamic_SI_inrange_distmax -> 2400 ->

music_dynamic_smg_speed -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_smoker_interval_beats -> 5 ->

music_dynamic_solosuccess_damagemin -> 0 ->

music_dynamic_solosuccess_decay -> 4 ->

music_dynamic_solosuccess_increment -> 1 ->

music_dynamic_stop_playing ->

music_dynamic_threat_decay -> 6 ->

music_dynamic_update_interval -> 0 -> interval between music status/action update

music_dynamic_witch_alert_interval -> 37 ->

music_dynamic_witch_near_max -> 1800 ->

music_dynamic_witch_near_min -> 360 ->

music_intensity_override -> -1 -> Overrides the player's music intensity track for testing

music_intensity_threshold -> 0 ->

music_large_area_reveal_repeat_threshold -> 60 -> The minimum time in seconds between performances of this music

music_large_area_reveal_threshold -> 500000 How much new area must be revealed to trigger the reveal music

music_manager -> 1 -> Using the new music manager system.

music_master_debug -> 0 ->

music_master_tag_threshold -> 0 ->

music_min_pending_threat_time -> 10 -> Minimum time until the next mob or boss. Used when deciding to play MomentOfSilence

music_min_safe_time -> 3 -> Minimum time that we haven't seen a threat or been injured. Used when deciding to play MomentOfSilence

music_moment_of_silence_repeat_interval -> 600 -> Minimum time between successive MomentOfSilence performances

music_moment_of_silence_start_delay -> 60 -> Minimum time before we can play a MomentOfSilence after leaving a Checkpoint

music_print -> client

muzzleflash_light -> 1 ->

name -> 119 -> SERVER_CAN_EXECUTESSCurrent user name

name2 -> 0 -> SERVER_CAN_EXECUTESS_ADDEDCurrent user name

nav_add_to_selected_set -> Add current area to the selected set.

nav_add_to_selected_set_by_id -> Add specified area id to the selected set.

nav_analyze -> Re-analyze the current Navigation Mesh and save it to disk.

nav_area_bgcolor -> 0 -> RGBA color to draw as the background color for nav areas while editing.

nav_area_max_size -> 50 -> Max area size created in nav generation

nav_avoid -> Toggles the 'avoid this area when possible' flag used by the AI system.

nav_begin_area -> Defines a corner of a new Area or Ladder. To complete the Area or Ladder drag the opposite corner to the desired location and

nav_begin_selecting -> Start continuously adding to the selected set.

nav_begin_shift_xy -> Begin shifting the Selected Set.

nav_build_ladder -> Attempts to build a nav ladder on the climbable surface under the cursor.

nav_check_file_consistency -> Scans the maps directory and reports any missing/out-of-date navigation files.

nav_check_floor -> Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.

nav_check_stairs -> Update the nav mesh STAIRS attribute

nav_chop_selected -> Chops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas

nav_clear_attribute -> Remove given nav attribute from all areas in the selected set.

nav_clear_selected_set -> Clear the selected set.

nav_clear_walkable_marks -> Erase any previously placed walkable positions.

nav_compress_id -> Re-orders area and ladder ID's so they are continuous.

nav_connect -> To connect two Areas mark the first Area highlight the second Area then invoke the connect command. Note that this creates a

nav_coplanar_slope_limit -> 0 ->

nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement -> 0 ->

nav_corner_adjust_adjacent -> 18 -> radius used to raise/lower corners in nearby areas when raising/lowering corners.

nav_corner_lower -> Lower the selected corner of the currently marked Area.

nav_corner_place_on_ground -> Places the selected corner of the currently marked Area on the ground.

nav_corner_raise -> Raise the selected corner of the currently marked Area.

nav_corner_select -> Select a corner of the currently marked Area. Use multiple times to access all four corners.

nav_create_area_at_feet -> 0 -> Anchor nav_begin_area Z to editing player's feet

nav_create_place_on_ground -> 0 -> If true nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when created by hand.

nav_crouch -> Toggles the 'must crouch in this area' flag used by the AI system.

nav_debug_blocked -> 0 ->

nav_debug_finale_area -> 0 -> Show extents of finale area and selected finale center

nav_delete -> Deletes the currently highlighted Area.

nav_delete_marked -> Deletes the currently marked Area (if any).

nav_disconnect -> To disconnect two Areas mark an Area highlight a second Area then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connec

nav_displacement_test -> 10000 Checks for nodes embedded in displacements (useful for in-development maps)

nav_dont_hide -> Toggles the 'area is not suitable for hiding spots' flag used by the AI system.

nav_draw_limit -> 500 -> The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode

nav_edit -> 0 -> Set to one to interactively edit the Navigation Mesh. Set to zero to leave edit mode.

nav_end_area -> Defines the second corner of a new Area or Ladder and creates it.

nav_end_selecting -> Stop continuously adding to the selected set.

nav_end_shift_xy -> Finish shifting the Selected Set.

nav_flood_select -> Selects the current Area and all Areas connected to it recursively. To clear a selection use this command again.

nav_fog_edit -> 0 ->

nav_fog_mark -> Sets fog value for selected areas.

nav_fog_pick -> Sets fog value for selected areas.

nav_fog_print_used -> Prints out the list of fog names used in the map.

nav_fog_replace -> Replaces the first fog name with the second in the map.

nav_fog_select_place -> Selects all areas with the given fog place.

nav_fog_set -> If used without arguments all available Fog values will be listed. If a Fog argument is given the current Fog is set.

nav_gen_cliffs_approx -> Mark cliff areas post-processing approximation

nav_generate -> Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.

nav_generate_fencetops -> 1 -> Autogenerate nav areas on fence and obstacle tops

nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas -> 1 -> Convert obsolete jump areas into 2-way connections

nav_generate_incremental -> Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.

nav_generate_incremental_range -> 2000 ->

nav_gui -> Opens the nav editing GUI

nav_gui_rebuild -> 0 -> Rebuilds the nav ui windows from scratch every time they're opened

nav_jump -> Toggles the 'traverse this area by jumping' flag used by the AI system.

nav_ladder_flip -> Flips the selected ladder's direction.

nav_load -> Loads the Navigation Mesh for the current map.

nav_make_sniper_spots -> Chops the marked area into disconnected sub-areas suitable for sniper spots.

nav_mark -> Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands.

nav_mark_attribute -> Set nav attribute for all areas in the selected set.

nav_mark_unnamed -> Mark an Area with no Place name. Useful for finding stray areas missed when Place Painting.

nav_mark_walkable -> Mark the current location as a walkable position. These positions are used as seed locations when sampling the map to generate

nav_max_view_distance -> 0 -> Maximum range for precomputed nav mesh visibility (0 = no limit)

nav_max_vis_delta_list_length -> 64 ->

nav_merge -> To merge two Areas into one mark the first Area highlight the second by pointing your cursor at it and invoke the merge comm

nav_merge_mesh -> Merges a saved selected set into the current mesh.

nav_no_hostages -> Toggles the 'hostages cannot use this area' flag used by the AI system.

nav_no_jump -> Toggles the 'dont jump in this area' flag used by the AI system.

nav_obscure_range -> 400 ->

nav_place_floodfill -> Sets the Place of the Area under the cursor to the curent Place and 'flood-fills' the Place to all adjacent Areas. Flood-filli

nav_place_list -> Lists all place names used in the map.

nav_place_pick -> Sets the current Place to the Place of the Area under the cursor.

nav_place_replace -> Replaces all instances of the first place with the second place.

nav_place_set -> Sets the Place of all selected areas to the current Place.

nav_potentially_visible_dot_tolerance -> 0 ->

nav_precise -> Toggles the 'dont avoid obstacles' flag used by the AI system.

nav_print_visibility_info -> Dumps some visibility-related data to the console.

nav_quicksave -> 1 -> Set to one to skip the time consuming phases of the analysis. Useful for data collection and testing.

nav_recall_selected_set -> Re-selects the stored selected set.

nav_recompute_flow -> Recomputes flow distance

nav_remove_from_selected_set -> Remove current area from the selected set.

nav_remove_jump_areas -> Removes legacy jump areas replacing them with connections.

nav_run -> Toggles the 'traverse this area by running' flag used by the AI system.

nav_save -> Saves the current Navigation Mesh to disk.

nav_save_selected -> Writes the selected set to disk for merging into another mesh via nav_merge_mesh.

nav_select_blocked_areas -> Adds all blocked areas to the selected set

nav_select_completely_visible -> Selects all areas completely visible to the selected area.

nav_select_damaging_areas -> Adds all damaging areas to the selected set

nav_select_half_space -> Selects any areas that intersect the given half-space.

nav_select_invalid_areas -> Adds all invalid areas to the Selected Set.

nav_select_obstructed_areas -> Adds all obstructed areas to the selected set

nav_select_overlapping -> Selects nav areas that are overlapping others.

nav_select_partially_visible -> Selects all areas at least partially visible to the selected area.

nav_select_radius -> Adds all areas in a radius to the selection set

nav_select_stairs -> Adds all stairway areas to the selected set

nav_select_threat -> Selects all threat areas

nav_select_view_distance -> Selects all areas within nav_max_view_distance.

nav_select_visible_set_size -> Selects all areas with visible sets this size or greater.

nav_selected_set_border_color -> 100 -> Color used to draw the selected set borders while editing.

nav_selected_set_color -> 255 -> Color used to draw the selected set background while editing.

nav_set_place_mode -> Sets the editor into or out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.

nav_shift -> Shifts the selected areas by the specified amount

nav_show_approach_points -> 0 -> Show Approach Points in the Navigation Mesh.

nav_show_area_info -> 0 -> Duration in seconds to show nav area ID and attributes while editing

nav_show_compass -> 0 ->

nav_show_danger -> 0 -> Show current 'danger' levels.

nav_show_ladder_bounds -> Draws the bounding boxes of all func_ladders in the map.

nav_show_light_intensity -> 0 ->

nav_show_node_grid -> 0 ->

nav_show_node_id -> 0 ->

nav_show_nodes -> 0 ->

nav_show_player_area -> 0 -> Draws the last known area for the given entindex

nav_show_player_counts -> 0 -> Show current player counts in each area.

nav_simplify_selected -> Chops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas and re-merges them together into larger areas

nav_slope_limit -> 0 -> The ground unit normal's Z component must be greater than this for nav areas to be generated.

nav_slope_tolerance -> 0 -> The ground unit normal's Z component must be this close to the nav area's Z component to be generated.

nav_snap_to_grid -> 0 -> Snap to the nav generation grid when creating new nav areas

nav_solid_props -> 0 -> Make props solid to nav generation/editing

nav_splice -> To splice mark an area highlight a second area then invoke the splice command to create a new connected area between them.

nav_split -> To split an Area into two align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command.

nav_split_place_on_ground -> 0 -> If true nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when split.

nav_stand -> Toggles the 'stand while hiding' flag used by the AI system.

nav_stop -> Toggles the 'must stop when entering this area' flag used by the AI system.

nav_store_selected_set -> Stores the current selected set for later retrieval.

nav_strip -> Strips all Hiding Spots Approach Points and Encounter Spots from the current Area.

nav_subdivide -> Subdivides all selected areas.

nav_test_node -> 0 ->

nav_test_node_crouch -> 0 ->

nav_test_node_crouch_dir -> 4 ->

nav_test_stairs -> Test the selected set for being on stairs

nav_test_visibility -> Tests visibility from the selected area to the one under the cursor.

nav_toggle_in_selected_set -> Remove current area from the selected set.

nav_toggle_place_mode -> Toggle the editor into and out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.

nav_toggle_place_painting -> Toggles Place Painting mode. When Place Painting pointing at an Area will 'paint' it with the current Place.

nav_toggle_selected_set -> Toggles all areas into/out of the selected set.

nav_toggle_selecting -> Start or stop continuously adding to the selected set.

nav_transient -> Toggles the 'area is transient and may become blocked' flag used by the AI system.

nav_trouble_report -> Selects areas that may be breaking the map checklist for inspection

nav_trouble_report_corner_to_corner -> Selects areas that can break game mechanics

nav_trouble_report_invalid -> Selects areas that can break game mechanics

nav_trouble_report_suggestions -> Selects areas that do not have a population set only if any area has a population

nav_trouble_test_area -> 0 -> If nonzero tests will be run against this areaID only

nav_trouble_test_debug_duration -> 10 ->

nav_trouble_walkable_backtrace -> 0 ->

nav_unmark -> Clears the marked Area or Ladder.

nav_update_blocked -> Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.

nav_update_lighting -> Recomputes lighting values

nav_update_visibility_on_edit -> 0 -> If nonzero editing the mesh will incrementally recompue visibility

nav_use_place -> If used without arguments all available Places will be listed. If a Place argument is given the current Place is set.

nav_walk -> Toggles the 'traverse this area by walking' flag used by the AI system.

nav_warp_to_mark -> Warps the player to the marked area.

nav_world_center -> Centers the nav mesh in the world

nb_acceleration -> 500 ->

nb_allow_avoiding -> 1 ->

nb_allow_climbing -> 1 ->

nb_allow_gap_jumping -> 1 ->

nb_blind -> 0 -> Disable vision

nb_chase_lead_time -> 2 ->


nb_debug_climbing -> 0 ->

nb_debug_filter -> Add items to the NextBot debug filter. Items can be entindexes or part of the indentifier of one or more bots.

nb_debug_history -> 1 -> If true each bot keeps a history of debug output in memory

nb_delete_all -> Delete all non-player NextBot entities.

nb_dump_debug_history -> Dumps debug history for the bot under the cursor to the blackbox

nb_force_look_at -> Force selected bot to look at the local player's position

nb_friction_forward -> 0 ->

nb_friction_sideways -> 3 ->

nb_goal_look_ahead_range -> 50 ->

nb_gravity -> 1000 ->

nb_head_aim_settle_duration -> 0 ->

nb_head_aim_steady_max_rate -> 100 ->

nb_ladder_align_range -> 50 ->

nb_lean_forward_accel -> 100 ->

nb_lean_max_angle -> 30 ->

nb_lean_rate -> 3 ->

nb_move_to_cursor -> Tell all NextBots to move to the cursor position

nb_path_draw_inc -> 100 ->

nb_path_segment_influence_radius -> 100 ->

nb_player_crouch -> 0 -> Force bots to crouch

nb_player_move -> 1 -> Prevents bots from moving

nb_player_stop -> 0 -> Stop all NextBotPlayers from updating

nb_player_walk -> 0 -> Force bots to walk

nb_rush -> Causes all infected to rush the survivors.

nb_saccade_speed -> 1000 ->

nb_saccade_time -> 0 ->

nb_select -> Select the bot you are aiming at for further debug operations.

nb_speed_look_ahead_range -> 150 ->

nb_stop -> 0 -> Stop all NextBots

nb_update_debug -> 0 ->

nb_update_framelimit -> 15 ->

nb_update_frequency -> 0 ->

nb_update_maxslide -> 2 ->

nb_vision_ignore_survivors -> 0 ->

nb_vision_notice_hidden_range -> 50 ->

nb_warp_selected_here -> Teleport the selected bot to your cursor position

nb_yaw_rate -> 250 ->

net_allow_multicast -> 1 ->

net_blockmsg -> 0 -> Discards incoming message: <0|1|name>

net_channels -> Shows net channel info

net_droppackets -> 0 -> Drops next n packets on client

net_dumpeventstats -> Dumps out a report of game event network usage

net_fakejitter -> 0 -> Jitter fakelag packet time

net_fakelag -> 0 -> Lag all incoming network data (including loopback) by this many milliseconds.

net_fakeloss -> 0 -> Simulate packet loss as a percentage (negative means drop 1/n packets)

net_graph -> 0 -> Draw the network usage graph = 2 draws data on payload = 3 draws payload legend.

net_graphheight -> 64 -> Height of netgraph panel

net_graphmsecs -> 400 -> The latency graph represents this many milliseconds.

net_graphpos -> 1 ->

net_graphproportionalfont -> 1 -> Determines whether netgraph font is proportional or not

net_graphshowinterp -> 1 -> Draw the interpolation graph.

net_graphshowlatency -> 1 -> Draw the ping/packet loss graph.

net_graphsolid -> 1 ->

net_graphtext -> 1 -> Draw text fields

net_maxroutable -> 1200 ->Requested max packet size before packets are 'split'.

net_public_adr -> 0 -> For servers behind NAT/DHCP meant to be exposed to the public internet this is the public facing ip address string: ('x.x.x.x'

net_scale -> 5 ->

net_showreliablesounds -> 0 ->

net_showsplits -> 0 -> Show info about packet splits

net_showudp -> 0 -> Dump UDP packets summary to console

net_showudp_remoteonly -> 0 -> Dump non-loopback udp only

net_showusermessages -> 0 ->

net_splitpacket_maxrate -> 15000 Max bytes per second when queueing splitpacket chunks

net_splitrate -> 1 -> Number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame

net_start -> Inits multiplayer network sockets

net_status -> Shows current network status

net_steamcnx_allowrelay -> 0 -> Allow steam connections to attempt to use relay servers as fallback (best if specified on command line: +net_steamcnx_allowrel

net_steamcnx_enabled -> 1 -> Use steam connections on listen server as a fallback 2 forces use of steam connections instead of raw UDP.

net_steamcnx_status -> Print status of steam connection sockets.

next -> 0 -> Set to 1 to advance to next frame ( when singlestep == 1 )

next_weapon_timer -> 1 ->

next -> Play next in sequence.

noclip -> Toggle. Player becomes non-solid and flies. Optional argument of 0 or 1 to force enable/disable

noclip_fixup -> 1 ->

notarget -> Toggle. Player becomes hidden to NPCs.

npc_height_adjust -> 1 -> Enable test mode for ik height adjustment

openserverbrowser -> Opens server browser

outtro_stats_done -> Fire an output when the outtro stats are finished

overview_alpha -> 1 -> CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE -> Overview map translucency.

overview_health -> 1 -> CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE -> Show player's health in map overview.

overview_locked -> 1 -> CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE -> Locks map angle doesn't follow view angle.

overview_mode -> Sets overview map mode offsmalllarge: <0|1|2>

overview_names -> 1 -> CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE -> Show player's names in map overview.

overview_tracks -> 1 -> CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE -> Show player's tracks in map overview.

overview_zoom -> Sets overview map zoom: [

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[ CCDB - Statusbericht | Seitenaufbau: 0.2599 Sek. (PHP: 15% - SQL: 85%) | SQL-Queries: 33 | GZIP ist deaktiviert ]