European CodeBase


PS2 - Spiele :: Resident Evil 4 :: Action Replay v2 (JP)
| Hits: 5359 | Aufgenommen am 28.12.05 | Aktualisiert am 23.05.06 | Verfasser: GodShin |
Biohazard 4
Credits: altcodex

0e3c7df2 1456e7a5
F0100238 0000000E

0e3c7df2 1456e7a5
F0100238 002A792B

Money MAX
2042E72C 0098967F

The physical strength it does not decrease
1042E738 00000960
1042E736 00000960

Partner (??????? ) The physical strength it does not decrease, (?)
1042E73A 00000558
1042E73C 00000558

The ?????? physical strength it does not decrease
1042E73A 00000258
1042E73C 00000258
When attack and Leone of instantaneous death attack, it dies

The ammunition it does not decrease
2012024C 24420000

Grenade system it does not decrease
2011F0E0 00000000

EXTRAS full opening
10431C26 0000FFFF
00431C2D 00000004

Dismantling of control
00431C29 00000001

Enemy single blow death
201C32DC 2411270F
* The enemy which does not have the effect it is.

The ammunition inside the attache case it does not decrease
20120064 00000000

Cruel dismantling of control (US edition)
00431C29 00000002

Cruel dismantling of control (EU edition)
00431C29 00000001

There is cruelty restriction, (the Japanese edition)
00431C29 00000000

Charakter Modifier - Leon
0042E74A 00000000

Charakter Modifier - Ashley
0042E74A 00000001

Charakter Modifier - Ada
0042E74A 00000002

Charakter Modifier - Hunk
0042E74A 00000003

Charakter Modifier - Krauser
0042E74A 00000004

Charakter Modifier - Wesker
0042E74A 00000005

Leons Outfit Modifier - Mafia
0042E74B 00000004

Leons Outfit Modifier - Normal
0042E74B 00000000

Leons Outfit Modifier - coat dispersing
0042E74B 00000001

Leons Outfit Modifier - coat it disperses, the + protector
0042E74B 00000002

Leons Outfit Modifier - RE2
0042E74B 00000003

Ada Outfit Modifier - Normal
0042E74B 00000000

Ada Outfit Modifier - Spy
0042E74B 00000001

Ada Outfit Modifier - China
0042E74B 00000003

The Leone silencer - you attach, the hand cancer/gun
D042E742 00000002
1042E742 00000201
D042E742 00000004
1042E742 00000201

Weapon modification to Hand CANON
0042E742 0000000F

When it is ready the weapon, the enemy does not attack
D0431C64 00000020
0042E7B5 0000009D

When L2 you push, the enemy it does not attack
D0431C64 00000080
0042E7B5 0000009D

it does not break off (L3)
201257C4 0060182D
D04520C2 0000FFFD
201257C4 3C030000

Weapon Modifier
0042E7C2 000000xx

00 - It is not
01 - Hand cancer/gun (??????)
02 - Hand cancer/gun
03 - Hand cancer/gun (lead-lead 9)
04 - Hand cancer/gun (black tail)
05 - Magnum
06 - Magnum (killer 7)
07 - Shot cancer/gun
08 - Shot cancer/gun (semi automatic)
09 - Rifle
0A - Rifle (semi automatic)
0B - Machine pistol
0C - The Chicago typewriter
0D - Rocket launcher
0E - ???????
0F - Hand CANON
10 - Knife
11 - Hand cancer/gun (????)
12 - Lead 9 reforming?
13 - Grenade
14 - Machine pistol reforming?
15 - Rifle?
16 - Incendiary grenade
17 - Spark grenade
18 - Rifle?
19 - ???

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