European CodeBase


PS3 - Spiele :: Penny Arcade Adventures: OtRSPoD - Episode 1 :: Trophy Collection
| Hits: 1116 | Aufgenommen am 25.06.09 | Aktualisiert am 25.06.09 | Verfasser: GodShin |
A Winner Is You
Successfully complete the first episode.

All Together Now
Do a Team-Up attack involving all three party members.

Clean Sweep
Kill all enemies in Episode 1.

Fight 'Em With Items
Use every combat item at least once in the game.

Play and win the game without allowing a character to die during combat.

Level Awesome
Get all party members to Level 15.

Nine Lives
Kill an enemy using the feline support character Thomas Kemper.

Win one battle using only counterattacks.

Pack Rat
Find and collect all of the hidden collectibles scattered around the game.

Silent, But Deadly
Beat the final Boss without healing.

Steel Devils
Find and destroy all the robots in the game.

Stray Cat
Earn a support character.

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