European CodeBase


SNES - Spiele :: BS Zelda :: Pro Action replay Codes (JAP)
| Hits: 1638 | Aufgenommen am 09.02.06 | Aktualisiert am 09.02.06 | Verfasser: Damona |
If the game is too hard for you, then use this codes to make things easier.

AR Item Codes:

7E743A03 - Magical Sword
7E743B02 - Red Ring
7E742302 - Silver Arrows
7E742402 - Red Candle

You only need to enter the codes once and then save the game. You can deactivate them then and you have above mentioned useful items which makes completing the quest much easier.

I have also enclosed a map in ZIP file for you, so you can fully explore the modified Overworld of Hyrule.

Have fun, Damona

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[ CCDB - Statusbericht | Seitenaufbau: 0.1768 Sek. (PHP: 17% - SQL: 83%) | SQL-Queries: 36 | GZIP ist deaktiviert ]